Bill "Davy Jones" Nighy

Bem, e agora que o senhor Airwave está de volta à capital, está na hora de retomar o meu lugar de mestre postador. E porque estamos a cerca de um mês da estreia de Piratas das Caraíbas 2, começam a ser lançadas entrevistas, tal como novos trailers e tv spots. Não, hoje não há trailers parra ninguém mas sim uma entrevista com Bill Nighy e a sua participação no filme como o vilão CGI, Davy Jones. Fica um pedaço:
CS: Was there a lot of physical make-up involved with creating those tentacles or was it all CGI?
Nighy: Oh, it's all CGI. My face is made-up to bleed into the creature, and I have to wear up those funky computer pajama trousers and have white dots all over the place for the mapping points for the computer. I'd done that stuff before where you have prosthetics, when I was a vampire in the "Underworld" movie, and I did vow then that nobody would ever be allowed to do anything of that kind to me again.
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